Research Projects

List of the completed research projects with the titles-link to the project description.
Data 2014 - to present
Research field Restoration, Seismics, Architectural heritage and environments
Title Measures to reinforce the domes.
Scientific Manager Arch. Caterina Sergi
Partners --
Team members --
Publication(s) --
Data 2013 - to present
Research field Restoration, Seismics, Architectural heritage and environments
Title Seismic quality analysis of the buildings near to the coast of the straits of Messina.
Scientific Manager Arch. Caterina Sergi
Partners Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Università della Calabria - Arcavacata di Rende (CS)
Team members --
Publication(s) STRUCTURAL SCHEDULES IN SEISMIC AREA - Seismic quality analysis of the buildings near to the coast of the straits of Messina(in press).
Data 2013 - to present
Research field Restoration, Seismics, Architectural heritage and environments
Title Preservation and enhancement of the architectural and underwater heritage of the historic village on Scilla's seabed.
Scientific Manager Arch. Caterina Sergi
Partners Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Scilla's town hall
Team members --
Publication(s) CHIANALEA - Preservation and enhancement of the architectural and underwater heritage of the historic village on Scilla's seabed (in press)
Data 2010 - 2013
Research field Restoration, Seismics, Architectural heritage and environments
Title Preservation,safety and enhancement of historical settlements in the Amendolea valley (historic smart valley).
Scientific Manager Arch. Caterina Sergi
Partners Roghudi's town hall, Province of Reggio Calabria
Team members Arch. Santina Marateia, Geologist Glorianna Franco, Eng. Massimo Talia, Arch. Pasquale Talia
Publication(s) HISTORIC SMART VALLEY-Design guidelines for the integrated restoration, conservation, safety and enhancement of historical settlements in the Amendolea valley.- Tholos group-House Publisher,2013,Reggio Calabria,ISBN 978-88-98852-00-0
Data 2010 - 2013
Research field Restoration, Seismics, Architectural heritage and environments
Title Recovering ancient architectural techniques in the Mediterranean Basin.
Scientific Manager Arch. Caterina Sergi
Partners --
Team members --
Publication(s) PLINTOPERICLISTO-Cloisonnè's walling-Recovering ancient architectural techniques in the Mediterranean Basin-Tholos group House Publisher, 2013, Reggio Calabria , ISBN 978-88-98852-01-7
Data 2007 - 2007
Research field Research and innovation
Title “T.I.P.I.” (Innovative Technologies for Transferring "well-read" knowledge).
Scientific Manager Arch. Caterina Sergi
Partners ASI and Calabria's Territory hall-structural funds 2000/2006- Measure 3.16 – Regional System for the Research and Innovation-Action 3.16.D-Research and Technology development in the regional enterprise
Team members --
Publication(s) --

Private Area

Recent News

Dialogues about the restoration in Europe
Introduction of the book at Provincia di Reggio Calabria. Lecturer: Arch. Caterina Sergi

Integrated restoration of interior metropolitan city.
Seminary at Universita' degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. Lecturer: Arch. Caterina Sergi

Induced and intrinsic static vulnerability of structural elements in the historic buildings.
Seminary at Universita' degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. Lecturer: Arch. Caterina Sergi

Historical buildings and natural disaster: the labirith of memory.
Seminary at Universita' degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. Lecturer: Arch. Caterina Sergi

Knowledge and teaching of historic buildings construction.
Seminary at Universita' degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. Lecturer: Arch. Caterina Sergi

Selling of a tourist Village.
Selling of a tourist village. For futher information go to the web site page SELLING from the link UTILITIES.